Enjoy a lightly bound, fruity tomato soup that's both flavorful and creamy.
This soup is convenient for hot or cold preparation, so you can enjoy it in any season.
Yield: 15 L
80 g of powder to 1L water
Blend required amount of soup powder into warm water while stirring well with a whisk. Bring to boil and sitr constantly. Reduce heat and simmer for 3-5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Shipping Unit
Per case 6 pouches (6 x 1200g)
Rich flavored, perfect for using as it is
Flavourful and creamy tomato cream soup.
Enrich with a brunoises of fresh tomatoes or bell-peppers, cooked rice, chopped spinach, chicken or fish quenelles, tapioca, chopped fresh basil leaves or a julienne of fresh basil leaves.
One pouch (powder form) can make 15L of sauce.
Application ideas: vegetable tomato cream soup and etc.